- The Sri Lanka Ceramics & Glass Council – Apex body for Ceramics, Glass and Cement

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The apex body for consensus building among all parties in ceramics Industry

The roots of the ceramics industry in Sri Lanka are deep seated and can be traced far back into the country’s history. The diverse cultural influences and rich physical resources have resulted in the local industry delivering ceramic ware with unmatched quality to the rest of the world. With the sole interest of strengthening the image of the world renowned Sri Lankan ceramics, the Sri Lanka Ceramics Council (SLACC) incorporated under the Companies Act, No. 17 of 1982 on November 19, 2003 was officially lau

SLACC today, is undeniably the richest forum of industry representatives in the island. The Council is the culmination of the Ceramic Industry Cluster which was formed in 2001 with the support of The Competitiveness Initiative (TCI) of the USAID. The Cluster was initiated to devise a unified, industry-wide strategy for competitiveness. It was a forum representative of the entire industry and was a special forum for examining and representing the interests and needs of the entire industry with its membership