sqrlwallet.io - Sqrl Wallet – The easiest and most powerful desktop wallet for the Telos Blockchain Network

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Sqrl is the easiest and most powerful desktop wallet for the Telos Blockchain and other EOSIO-based networks.

Blockchain technology is revolutionary. It promises to liberate us from the strongholds of fiat and governments through decentralization, censorship resistance, and financial freedom. But blockchain can be hard to use. That's why we created Sqrl, an easy to use all-in-one wallet designed for the Telos blockchain with support for most popular EOSIO-based blockchains.

The SQRL token was airdropped on a 1:1 ratio to all accounts on the Telos blockchain, and allows you to interact with your account without worrying about CPU/NET resources. It also comes with numerous advantages to loyal token holders.