spratlingsilver.com - Spratling Silver

Description: spratlingsilver.com is a reference site for information about Spratling Silver and William Spratling: the man who started the silver industry in Taxco in 1931.

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Welcome to the SPRATLING SILVER Reference Website 

Visit our Book Store for the best selection of Spratling material including Spratling Silver: A Field Guide. Silver Magazine's review by Will Chandler says "...this is one of the finest practical guides on collectible silver that I have ever seen ...Goddard's Field Guide will become the Spratling collectors' 'bible' for decades to come." Silver Magazine November-December 2003

WILLIAM SPRATLING, an innovative and talented designer of Mexican jewelry, silver hollowware, tin, copper, and furniture, demonstrated his appreciation for , and sensitivity to the early cultures of Mexico. He established a model for the artistic development and growth of the silver industry in Taxco and well deserved the title "Father of Contemporary Mexican Silver!"