- Spottacus

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Spottacus Cheetah is an inventor, entrepreneur, physician, biophysicist, and incurable romantic when in human form, and a cheetah or other felid when in true furry form. Best known mononymously as Spottacus, or even just Spotti.

He lives in the San Francisco Bay Area, and is not happy when forced to appear without ears, tail, or when asked not to purr, growl, hiss, bite, pounce, waggle, or lick (inevitably, that leads to some drama).

Born on a smoggy day in Southern California, Spottacus has been anthro since birth, slinky in the 90s, and is now furry too. Amazingly, he crawled on all fours well before he learned to walk upright and pretend to be human. He deeply worried his parents by continuing to purr and hiss well after "normal human children" ceased such activities, but his parents grew to accept his furriness, and his mom, sister, and niece have come to watch him at furcon fursuit parades, and his mom even has invited him to accom