- Kat Hasenauer Cornetta – Writer. Communications assistant. Coffee drinker.

Example domain paragraphs

Writer. Communications assistant. Coffee drinker.

The following originally appeared on StickItMedia in February 2020. The site is having some errors at the moment, so I thought it important that this moves over here for the time being. This is relevant again as Massachusetts once again debates if boys gymnastics should remain a high school sport.

Many men’s gymnastics followers point to the impact of Title IX as providing a critical blow to the sport on the collegiate level. However, an in-depth look at the history of gymnastics in education over the past 60 years shows that while Title IX is used as an excuse to eliminate collegiate teams, there were several elements that offered up men’s gymnastics to the chopping block. It was a perfect storm of court cases involving risk, injury and liability in physical education classes and school sports and a