spnfamilygiving.com - SPN Family Giving

Description: SPN Family Giving

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SPN Family Giving Spreading fandom positive energy Happy Birthday Jensen Ackles #GrumpyJensen FUNDRAISER

For his 45th birthday, Jensen chose Random Acts to be the beneficiary of our latest fundraising endeavor. Random Acts inspires acts of kindness around the world, both big and small. They provide a vast network of caring people with the encouragement and support they need to change lives for the better. All of these acts of kindness contribute to a bigger story, a message that Random Acts embodies and promotes — that you too can conquer the world one random act of kindness at a time. This event has ended eff

SPN Family Giving is a fan run collective venture. Partners in SPN Family Giving include the Super Wiki , AbordDeLimpala , The SPN 'Verse , SamDeanSandwich , and AllAckles . Our intent is to follow the lead Jared, Jensen, and the rest of the cast and crew of Supernatural have set through spreading positive energy via connecting our community by organizing fundraising events around notable SPN Family holidays. Our inaugural event was held the week of March 1st, 2022 in honor of Jensen's 44th birthday. Betwee

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