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Ever since its debut in the Saturday Evening Post in 1919, Merton of the Movies has delighted book and film lovers alike and is considered one of the first real Hollywood novels It follows the story of Merton Gill, a small-town Midwestern man immersed in Hollywood dreams Filled with lighthearted film parodies, glimpses into a bygone Hollywood era, обюбщ and a likable main character, it is easy to understand why Merton of the Movies inspired an often revived Broadway play, several films (including one starri

25 Tropical Houses in Singapore and Malaysia features the best houses and condominiums by a dynamic new generation of architects Singapore's houses create pleasure from the tropical climate A new wave of highly distinctive architecture has seen Singapore recognized, for the first time, as one of the world's most dynamic architectural centers обюбэ The most interesting new houses in Malysia reflect a balance between traditional values and a new optimistic global outlook.   отде    Шуре    Your    Skag 2006 г

Garbo and Crawford Ava, Hedy, Judy, Liz epitomized Hollywood's golden era With a trembling lip or sultry eye, with a tear or song or husky whisper, these women held moviegoers across America in their sway from the hard times of the 1930s through the booming postwar years to the early sixties They were royalty and box office, and led pampered public обювг lives-furs, jewels, designer gowns; limousines, flash bulbs, handsome escorts-that captured the national imagination They also signed seven-year contracts