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Description: Therapeutic Counselling, Transformational Coaching and Holistic Healing - online and in-person in Grantham, Lincolnshire, UK

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We are all here for a reason... It has little to do with our profession and everything to do with developing our consciousness... Developing positive qualities, overcoming our fears and limitations, and becoming the best version of our self. Only then will we know lasting peace, happiness and fulfilment. The purpose of spiritual coaching is to discover our deeper nature, realise our full potential, and express our uniqueness.

Spiritual growth can help us to transcend our previous limits and tap into our higher purpose. Helping you to discover and embrace your true self, this form of coaching tunes into your own spiritual journey. Spirituality has nothing to do with religion and everything to do with consciousness - not merely our regular mind consciousness, but the deeper and higher levels of our consciousness that we don't often have access to.

Spiritual growth coaching involves diving deep into our subconscious to explore, unpack and heal the issues and patterns that limit us. It also involves ascending into our super-consciousness (the realm of our "higher self") to discover, activate and embody our higher qualities so we can express them in our daily lives.

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