spiritofbutterflies.com - The Spirit of Butterflies | Myth, Magic, and Art

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On the evening of October 18th, 2022 I was the recipient of the Pollinator Advocate Award USA from Pollinator Partnership’s North American Pollinator Protection Campaign. https://www.pollinator.org/nappc/awards   The ceremony took place at the Botanical Gardens Atrium in Washington, D.C.  

It was a  wonderful way to celebrate the fiftieth year of my life guided by Butterfly Spirit. For my very short acceptance speech, I had a three minute limit, please see the Award page. Also, my three minute talk, Where Have All the Monarchs Gone, focused on how climate change has profoundly affected butterflies, also on the Awards page.

July 2, 2022: Honored as Pollinator Hero by Catskill Mountainkeeper:  Being appreciated for my advocacy guided and inspired by butterflies for fifty years this summer is nourishment, nectar for my heart and soul. I am featured in Mountainkeeper’s award-winning short film, Save the Pollinators , which calls attention to the dramatic decline of pollinator populations in NY State and beyond. You can watch this short film by visiting  https://www.catskillmountainkeeper.org/protecting_pollinators and learn more