spiritmatterstalk.com - Spirit Matters Talk – Conversations on Contemporary Spirituality

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SPIRIT MATTERS in this format has run its course. After 7 years and about 300 interviews, the time has come to call it a wrap. We want to thank all our listeners, both the occasional ones and the loyal subscribers. It has been very gratifying to hear from you and to discover how much you learned from our conversations with our incredible guests. We did the show to contribute something meaningful to the spiritual lives of our audience, and it is humbling to know our offering has been significant.

Special thanks go to those who contributed financially; your generosity made it possible for us to upgrade and to maintain the archive. Extra thanks, and bows of gratitude, to Valerie Gangas and Jack Grieshaber, who at different times, provided indispensable time, energy, and expertise.

We’re pleased to say that the archive will remain accessible and free of charge. Please take advantage of it and tell your friends. And, beginning in January, 2023, Phil will carry the Spirit Matters banner onto a new platform, mindbodyspirit.fm . Look for it and subscribe.

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