speedthespread.info - SPEED THE SPREAD of facts, of truth, of information.

Description: SPEED THE SPREAD of facts, of truth, of information. About HCQ (Hyrdoxychloroquine), Ivermectin, Budesoenide. Cures for Covid. Plus a Guaranteed Preventative.

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DISCLAIMER: Nothing on this site is medical advice. I have no medical background or training. I am not a doctor, nurse, chiropractor, naturopath, or any other health care worker. I am reporting research findings and treatments used successfully by doctors. I cite sources for the information. I suggest you do your own research. STARTING POINT Once again, I hear of doctors who have spoken out - FIRED. Once again, I hear of facts "fact checked" and labeled FALSE. Here are facts - true facts. FACT ONE: YOU CAN

To download with a PC, right-click and select "Save As". To download with a Mac, control-click and select "Download" or "Save Link As". HANDOUT CLICK HERE for the HANDOUT CLICK HERE for the HANDOUT (2 per page) FLYER 2-sided - more info CLICK HERE for the FRONT AND BACK CLICK HERE for the INSIDE 2 SIDES To be printed on the 2 sides of a page, and folded. Print lots of copies. Distribute everywhere you can. Give out to as many people as you can. Discuss with people. Ask people to pass on the handout and flye

To download with a PC, right-click and select "Save As". To download with a Mac, control-click and select "Download" or "Save Link As". HANDOUT CLICK HERE for the HANDOUT CLICK HERE for the HANDOUT (2 per page) FLYER 2-sided - more info CLICK HERE for the FRONT AND BACK CLICK HERE for the INSIDE 2 SIDES To be printed on the 2 sides of a page, and folded. NOTE: Anyone who is not overjoyed at the truth is against our well-being - is against us. And that person or government or group is exposed as being agains