speakclearly.com.au - Accent Reduction

Description: Learn how to reduce your accent and sound great. Speak English with Confidence.

accent reduction (91) accent modification (23)

Example domain paragraphs

This is a useful course for people for whom English is a second language. If you find your accent is getting in the way of you being properly understood, you could benefit by having a few lessons with us . We work with you to improve your articulation and clarity and overall understanding of how to speak well in the English language. We have trainers who speak in Standard British English, American English, Australian English and Neutral English. So you can take your pick.

Course Description

This is a useful course for people for whom English is a second language. If you find your accent is getting in the way of you being properly understood, you could benefit by having a few lessons with us . We work with you to improve your articulation and clarity and overall understanding of how to speak well in the English language.

Links to speakclearly.com.au (3)