- Space Metrics – SCIET – SCIET Theory offers a bold new understanding of nature!

Example domain paragraphs

Attention Deficit Disorder, like all types of mental processing, can be understood using neuroSCIET analysis. In this context, Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder can be understood to be a natural selection enhancement of the visual thinking abilities of humans.

Understanding that it is a hereditary quality, we must ask ourselves why nature would re-enforce a “disorder.” The answer is that it does not. ADHD is not a disorder but an enhancement of the visual thinking capabilities that have served people extremely well throughout history. Human society has roles for all types of people, and the qualities of being energetic and quick to respond to visual stimuli have aided the survival of hunter-gatherers from the beginning. History had no criticism of this quality un

It has been known since the beginning of classroom instruction that many very bright people were not good students but found great success in professional fields where they could learn while being active.