- Space Is The Place

Description: space launch centers and models of spacecraft

spaceflight (35) space models (8) space is the place (3) space ports (2) spacecraft models (2) spaceistheplace (1) space centers (1) space launch sites (1) launch vehicle models (1) rocket models (1)

Example domain paragraphs

Welcome to my Space Is The Place * home page. I have been interested in spaceflight all my life. Perhaps this resulted from my coming of age and developing an awareness of the larger world during the 1960's, when mankind made its first tentative steps beyond our protective Earth, decided that the Moon was the first goal, and BY GOLLY GOT THERE WITHIN THAT SAME DECADE!!! Pretty impressive for someone of my age in those years (i.e. 6 to 16), and proof to me that anything is possible. Mankind's destiny has to

"The dinosaurs went extinct because they didn't have a space program" - Arthur C. Clarke, science/science fiction writer, visionary and author of "2001 - A Space Odyssey"

My intention on this site is to convey my enthusiasm for spaceflight by describing the exciting visits I have made to space launch sites all over the world, and displaying some of the models of spacecraft and launch vehicles I have built over the past nearly 60 years, while relating what inspired me to build them, the stories behind the models (sometimes personal) and their importance in the political and technological history of spaceflight. My Space Is The Place website thus consists of two main parts: