sp13l-w13s3.de - UN Funken Carnival Association

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UNiverso Stephan I. Foto: Larissa Neubauer UNiverso Stephan I. Foto: Larissa Neubauer UNiverso Stephan I. Foto: Larissa Neubauer UNiverso Stephan I. is the first male figurehead for the UN Funken. He was born in Bonn and, after several years at the UN Climate Secretariat, he now works in the Climate Neutral Bonn programme office. During his reign he will promote SDG 5 – Gender Equality .

See our About us and Our story pages to learn more about the UN Funken and its figureheads.

The presentation of Offsetting Certificate for the Climate Neutral Rosenmontag parade to Festausschuss Bonner Karneval, the Prinzenpaar Bonn and the City of Bonn in 2020 at Bonn Expat Carnival The presentation of Offsetting Certificate for the Climate Neutral Rosenmontag parade to Festausschuss Bonner Karneval, the Prinzenpaar Bonn and the City of Bonn in 2020 at Bonn Expat Carnival The presentation of Offsetting Certificate for the Climate Neutral Rosenmontag parade to Festausschuss Bonner Karneval, the Pr

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