- Solar Panel Installation in Charlotte, NC - SHS Pros

Description: Southern Home Solar offers home solar panel installation services in the Charlotte, NC metro area. Get a 26% tax credit when you install solar!

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Control your energy future with the reliability of a home solar panel setup and receive a 30% federal tax credit.

Solar isn’t just an investment in your family’s energy security, it’s also a sound financial investment. And with current Federal tax incentives, the government wants to pay for over a quarter of your solar installation costs! Take advantage of this free money by claiming the 30% Federal Tax Credit on your complete residential solar panel system, including battery backup. Attractive financing and flexible payment plans make solar affordable for everyone, so years of savings can start with little to no cost

On average, solar increases the value of your home by 4%. Recent studies have shown an average increase in resale value between $4020 and $5911 for each kilowatt of solar installed. Rooftop residential solar panels make America stronger, cleaner, and greener. Every time solar is installed, our energy grid gets more secure, and we are one step closer to a carbon neutral economy. All while saving you money!

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