- Sourav Kanti Addya

Example domain paragraphs

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Our work "LEAWM" has been accepted in IEEE Transactions on Services Computing (IF-11.019).   |  Our work "NORD" has been published in Computer Network, Elsevier.   |  Our work "LCS" has been published in proc. of 2023 24th ICDCN.   |  Our work "DeSAT" has been published in proc. of 2022 5th IEEE Blockchain   |  Organizing "SMARTSTATE 2022 @ SMARTCOMP 2022"   |  Our work "CoMCLOUD" has been accpeted in IEEE Transactions on Cloud Computing   |  Organizing "STEERS 2022 @ IEEE/ACM CCGrid 2022"   |  Organizing "

I am an Assistant Professor in Department of Computer Science and Engg. at NIT Karnataka, Surathkal, India. Prior to this I was a Post Doctorate Fellow in Dept of CSE, IIT Kharagpur. I have completed my PhD from NIT Rourkela in February 2018. My PhD thesis title was "Virtual Machine Placement and Pricing on Cloud Data Centers" . My primary focus for research is on multi-cloud architecture development and and inter related areas.