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Was it only 1992? John Malone stood up at a Broadcasters Convention and shocked those big TV Moguls when he proclaimed Cable TV was destined to have 500 channels.  Crazy !  But that was then — before the internet spewed 5,000,000+ streams to smother our senses. Today, we are paralyzed with too many choices.   Instant gratification is not very gratifying, is it?

Was it only 1995? Channel 501 was launched in response to Malone’s crazy dream, ready to fill that 500th slot. It was and is one man’s enthusiastic experiment in creative communication, information, education, and enlightenment. Ch. 501 grew to 2,000+ original pages. Some are strictly business. Some are deeply personal. ALL are creative concepts from me to you… an invitation to collaboration.

Channel 501 is currently under extensive construction. If you have a favorite old link, many are still live in here…somewhere. Contact me if you cannot find it and really really want it.