- Soumyabrata Pal

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Google Research, India email: soumyabratapal13 at gmail dot com, soumyabrata at google dot com [Google scholar] [DBLP] [Research Statement] About me Currently, I am a Postdoctoral Researcher at Google Research, Bangalore (India). Prior to this, I completed my Ph.D in the Computer Science Department (CICS) at the University of Massachusetts Amherst advised by Dr. Arya Mazumdar . During that time, I was a Visiting Graduate Student at the University of California San Diego from May - November 2021. I had also

My research interests are Theoretical Machine Learning, Applied Statistics and Information Theory. More concisely, I love Statistical recovery/reconstruction problems under different structural assumptions on the data generating mechanism such as sparsity, low-rank, presence of latent clusters among others. Nowadays, I am working on designing algorithms for recommender systems that can provide personalized recommendations in different settings. Most of my past work so far can be categorized into four topics

New paper in ALT 2022!! Also started as a postdoc at Google Research!

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