- SOS For Your Soil – Stable to Soil Compost

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Using the Aerated Static Pile (ASP) method of composting, we are able to have certified organic compost in a matter of a couple of months. We easily monitor the temperature of each pile to make sure pathogens are burned off (165 degrees F) while beneficial microorganisms thrive.

SOS for your Soil Compost is made on our horse farm in St. James where we currently have 22 horses, all of which are hunter and jumpers. These horses only receive antibiotics when they have an infection, much as a human would. The de-wormer we use degrades within 24 hours of leaving the horse’s body. This allows our compost to team with earthworms. The gut of a horse has a wide spectrum of beneficial microbes that are transferred to our compost. Our compost has been approved for certified organic production

The compost is made up of fine wood shavings (pine), hay, horse manure and yard waste (from our farm only). We use our compost on all of the landscaped areas, and top dress the lawns as our fertilizer, nothing else is used.