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Book DescriptionLingering Spirit is a moving experiencea captivating book that is filled with forlorn and abandoned homes, barns, and vehicles that have outlived their usefulness As you turn each page, you become a living witness to a past that once defined a state The farmsteads, general stores, churches, schools, and factories are a collective обэта monument to the generations who lived out their lives in quiet dignity Once integral to everyday existence, these places and objects are now relics that lie d

От издателя Французская экранизация историко-приключенческого романа А Дюма "Графиня де Монсоро" в эксклюзивном DVD издании! В начале 70-х наше телевидение неожиданно обэтм показало 7-серийную французскую экранизацию романа Александра Дюма "Графиня де Монсоро" Все, кому посчастливилось видеть этот фильм, не могли забыть его героев - отважного де Бюсси, хитроумного Шико, самоотверженную Диану де Монсоро К сожалению, сыгравшая её Карин Петерсен, запомнившаяся многим так же по роли Миледи в фильме "4 мушкетёра

Book DescriptionColor, leaf, and texture tend to dominate gardeners' criteria when it comes to plant selection But in the garden, floral scent is often the most powerfully sensual experience In this book, expert gardener Ann Lovejoy recommends and describes over 300 scented flowers that will provide fragrant beauty throughout the year And because обэтс night-bloomers have some of the most aromatic scents, they get a chapter of their own Here are profiles of longtime garden favorites such as roses and magnol