- Sophia and M.E.

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  1973 - 2005 Sophia died from M.E. in November 2005. The day before she died I promised her that her life would help many other people.

The object of this site is to show how and what was done to Sophia, so that maybe through this, others will become aware of the horrors perpetrated on her and on many others suffering from this terrible disease. I believe that it is incumbent on each and every one of us to find a way to ensure that all doctors and psychiatrists must conform to the guidelines of the World Health Organisation.

My youngest child, Sophia, suffered from severe Myalgic Encephalomyelitis (M.E.) for at least six years. This disease is also controversially known as Chronic Fatigue Syndrome (CFS). Since 1969 the World Health Organisation (WHO) has categorised M.E. as a physical neurological disease. The doctors and psychiatrist threatened Sophia with sectioning in a mental hospital if she refused to go into a particular M.E. Clinic. They carried out their threat in July 2003. The effects on Sophia's health were devastati

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