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Description: 토론토 교회, 한인교회, 한인교회 추천, 토론토, 한인, 교회 추천, 교회, 토론토 장로, 토론토 한인교회, 토론토 순례길 교회, 순례길 교회, 토론토 한인 장로교회, Toronto, Korean, Church, JC Church, Journey with Christ Church,

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Is this your first time here? Or maybe it is your first time in a while! If so, maybe you are wondering exactly who we are and what Journey with Christ Church is all about.

We’d like you to know that we’re a group of ordinary people who are on an amazing journey together following Christ. And, our guide is the Bible, because it is the divinely inspired Word of God and it will never take us in the wrong direction.

We are glad you are with us today and we hope that you will join us on our journey in following Christ and living His plan for us.