- Sonoran Desert Plants | Nativas del Desierto Sonorense

Description: Informacion sobre Plantas Nativas del Desierto Sonorense, su importancia y belleza. Information about Sonoran Desert Plants, their importance and beauty.

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Search Christian Aguilar Aug 9 3 min read Psorothamnus spinosus - Smoke tree. .post-content__body { --ricos-text-color: #2f2e2e; --ricos-text-color-tuple: 47, 46, 46; --ricos-action-color: #a8a8a7; --ricos-action-color-tuple: 168, 168, 167; --ricos-background-color: #ffffff; --ricos-background-color-tuple: 255, 255, 255; --ricos-fallback-color: #000000; --ricos-fallback-color-tuple: 0, 0, 0; --ricos-action-color-fallback: #000000; --ricos-action-color-fallback-tuple: 0, 0, 0; --ricos-custom-h1-font-size: 40

Smoke tree in a front yard in the neighborhood Tanque Verde, Tucson, AZ, US. Living here in Tucson, I came across this tree once again, it was being sold at one of the few native plant nurseries in the Sonoran Desert, Spadefoot Nursery. I bought one with a lot of enthusiasm and nostalgia, since having plants from Baja California in my patio makes me feel close to home. And to my bad luck (by my own stupidity) I killed it, because I put it in a shady space, since I don't have much space in my patio due to ha