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There is very little that tops the list of crappy things to happen to you more than having to file for bankruptcy does. Filing for bankruptcy means that you have reached the end of your wits and have no more financial options. It means that overall, your financial situation is bleak at best. The only thing that makes dealings with this financial situation worse is ending up with an attorney to represent you that does not know what he or she is doing. Many lawyers out there have very little experience in ban

1.) Don’t put off the search There is absolutely nothing less exciting or stressful than the thought of having to hire a financial lawyer. No matter how undesirable the thought of this process may be, it is important that you don’t put it off. If you wait too long then you will not have time to thoroughly investigate your lawyers and find the best of the best for your situation. Waiting until the last minute will also not allow your attorney to have enough time to prepare for your case as well as they could

2.) Get as much professional advice as you can Ask as many people that you know whether or not they know of a good reputable bankruptcy lawyer. If you know a personal attorney on a personal level, you may want to start there and ask for their professional advice as they can best point you in the right direction. However, remember that bankruptcy law is a special part of the law that not every lawyer is well versed in. Make sure that any lawyer referred to you knows their way around all the ins and outs of t