- Solid Fluid (System Solutions) Limited

software (33543) technology (15883) solutions (14619) engineering (9788) systems (2544) embedded (731) solid (335) fluid (328) osmium (15) electonics (6)

Example domain paragraphs

Solid Fluid is a company that encapsulates my desire to make useful things.

I am a software engineer, but I started my engineering career as a mechanical engineer. I completed a mechanical engineering aprenticeship with Rediffusion Flight Simulation, but went on to do an electronic engineering degree with a focus on embedded systems. On this site I mainly hope to demonstrate capability. It includes mechanical contrivances and also the electronics that can glue such things to software.

You will find application help files, detailed descriptions of some of the software modules I have written, and all manner of widgets mechanical, electrical and electronic. If you want to leave feedback, or ask questions, feel free to e-mail me. I'm fairly busy, so I may not be able to answer all your questions.