- About Community Renewable Energy Programs C-Prep Fleurieu Peninsula South Australia

Description: A Renewable Energy Program facilitated by Council is feasible, desirable and necessary if CVH is to contribute to an energy efficient and sustainable community and effectively address climate change. It presents an economic opportunity to boost jobs and the economy as a whole. 

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This site outlines the history and achievements of one of Australia’s first community purchases of solar panels, run by a small South Australian regional council. Such was its success, it was adopted by a further18 councils across the state. All communities can benefit from such programs.

The program, Community Purchase of Renewable Energy Program (C-PREP) was designed with “the most benefit for the most people” tenet foremost in mind. Its principle architects were the members of the council’s Economic Development Committee. It was initiated in 2009.

The history and background papers found here are freely available to communities. Some may be a little dated, but the technology and the means to distribute it widely have not varied - nor the economic and ecological benefits that flow with such programs.