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Get YOUR Free SOLAR Estimateā  (CLICK HERE) Solar Granite Bay Association Call/Text: (415) 294-1493 The 3 Biggest Misconceptions About Going Solar And Why 2020 Is Your Last Great Year The truth about Granite Bay’s grid and some numbers you need to know for 2020: 26% Off, $0 2020 Solar Bills, an 89% Lifetime Penalty, and $101,000 Reasons to Act Now. Get Your Free Solar Estimate Now What’s Your Monthly Electricity Bill? 0-100 100-200 200-400 400+ I don’t know. When Do You Want Panels Installed? Today 1-3 month

You get a 26% tax credit on your solar system if you go solar before 2020 ends. The Solar Investment Tax Credit (ITC) is a 26% federal tax credit for solar systems installed on residential homes under Section 25D. It drops to a 0% tax rebate in 2022.

But there’s another number you care about 89%… and it may disappear overnight, too. 89% off? What a deal! But, hold on… It all has to do with a policy called “net metering.”