- Sören Sieg |

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I am very pleased that the long-standing German ambassador to Cameroon, Volker Seitz, has now published a detailed review of "Oh, how beautiful is Africa!": . Volker Seitz himself published his 40 years of experience in Africa in the very good book "Afrika wird armregiert" (dtv). His review is therefore a special honor for me! Before this I was able to report on the absurdities of the so-called "sensitivity reading" in the FAZ from 28.1. and in the Swi

I look forward to my workshops on African recorder music in 2023! It starts with a workshop at KÜNG in Schaffhausen on March 25th and 26th, then there is the annual seminar at MOLLENHAUER in Fulda on April 29th and 30th, and the Hamburg Recorder Day on May 13th! If you are interested, just send me an email!

Brand new: Karungi, 10 simpler pieces for soprano/tenor recorder and piano. On the initiative of Martina Kominkova, my first edition for piano and recorder suitable for teaching! Also, of course, appropriate to the season: African Christmas for recorder quintet ATTBG and recorder quartet ATBG! Here you can see a recording from the premiere on November 27th in Boxtel by Seldom Sene: . UKUVALELISA is now also available in a version for recorder and cello, here you can see the tent