- The Fourth Political Theory | beyond left and right but against the center

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Dear friends! You are invited to participate 29 April in international conference on Multipolarity. It will last all day in order to cover space of the planet. Most welcome are people from those countries that are not too active in promoting multipolarity or rather we don't know well enough - Southern Asia, Africa, Oceania. We plan speaking any one on her/his native language. WE are the humanity. Not them. We are proud to announce the Global Conference on Multipolarity and Fourth Political Theory, co-organi

Presentation given by Israel Lira on Saturday, April 29 in the framework of the Global Conference on Multipolarity and Fourth Political Theory thanks to the organization of cultural and social movement Nova Resistencia of Brazil, The International Russophile Movement and The Thinkers Forum of China, under the direction of the Tsargrad Institute (Moscow)

Transcript of Pepe Escobar's speech at the Global Multipolar Conference on 29 April 2023.

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