- Social Welfare Action Alliance - Social Welfare Action Alliance

Description: “No one way works, it will take all of us shoving at the thing from all sides to bring it down.” — Diane di Prima Revolutionary Letter #8 Become a Member of the Social Welfare Action Alliance Be part of

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“We were never intended to help.”

“The social welfare system was established in the 19th century to control the industrial workforce, which was increasingly attracted to socialism and communism.  Social workers later proclaimed that the system had a dual function, adding ‘social care’ to social control. Thus we became the ‘soft cops of the welfare state.’  The intent and effect of the system, however, was–and is–social control.”

*Social control and social change:  Toward a feminist model of social work practice .  (1980, September).  With Barbara Joseph.  Invitational presentation at the National Association of Social Workers National Conference on Social Work Practice in a Sexist Society.