- Pacific Standard

Description: Pacific Standard grapples with the nation's biggest issues by illuminating what shapes human behavior.

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Unseen America Las Manos Jóvenes Que Nos Alimentan Se calcula que 524,000 niños trabajan inimaginables largas horas en los agotadores campos agrícolas de Estados Unidos, y todo es perfectamente legal.

Book Previews Twenty-Five Must-Read Books for Fall of 2019 Our staffers and contributors highlight the most urgent and exciting titles coming this fall—from fiction to non-fiction, poetry to prose.

Social Justice 'People Are Being Killed Like Flies': Denied Asylum in the U.S., Cameroonians Fear Increasing Violence Back Home Martin fled Cameroon when security forces imprisoned his father and started regularly raiding Anglophone villages. The U.S. government might send him back.