- Social Exclusion Housing - disadvantaged school children

Description: Explains housing and other problems that worsen social exclusion, harming especially the poor and their children

school violence (13) social exclusion (8) improving school attendance (1) poor uk children (1) democratic government (1) housing problems (1)

Example domain paragraphs

This homepage is devoted to the 'problem children' of developed countries like the UK and USA. 18 years of raising my children on a large housing estate with many poor and socially excluded families, and using its local state schools, taught me much about disadvantaged school children from socially excluded estate sub-societies that our non-street-wise middle-class professionals running government departments, media, charity and other bodies and most academics know little if anything about. I learned more t

In many countries, acceptable housing cannot be afforded by the low-incomed unless low rent or low price 'affordable housing' or 'social housing' is made available. Developers of new social housing face a financial problem examined on this site of somehow subsidising their rents or sale prices with housing grants or by using cheaper prefab housing or by private housing development contributing to affordable housing development. Social housing development grants will need successful bidding strategies approp

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