- smritiveda

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Smritiveda is a platform for promoting smriti meditation, an Ayurvedic Psychotherapy technique. The founder of the Smriti meditation is Dr. K V Dilipkumar

Ayurveda identifies root cause of the disease as Prjnaparadha (intellectual blasphemy). Piled up emotions interlocked with memories from our childhood to till date can influence the responses of body and mind. That determines our physical and mental health. Ayurveda considers that every individual is capable of being aware of negative emotions within them and transform into positive. Unfortunately in modern times we trained not to look inward. This lack of internal awareness is the major cause of many psych

In 2022 prof.Dilipkumar continues to conduct training courses on Smriti-meditation with Institute of Oriental Medicine RUDN University in an online format.