- Smart Money Blueprint by Adonis Lockett

Description: The Smart Money Blueprint is going to teach you how to make money selling money with the most creative, but best kept secret in the industry. When you are money, you are the most valuable person in the transaction.

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The easiest thing to sell in real estate ironically is not wholesale contracts or even real estate itself. The easiest thing to sell in real estate is money. Most real estate investors want more options to lenders and private money to fund their investment deals. The Smart Money Blueprint is going to teach you how to make money selling money with the most creative, but best kept secret in the industry. When you are money, you are the most valuable person in the transaction.

Our goal is to make your transition into real estate investing as simple as possible. Don't bankrupt your savings while trying to empower yourself to do something greater. Get financing for your Smart Money Blueprint education, and leverage our money to help grow your business.

Access over 40 hours of education online with the self guided course, or upgrade to the Coaching Program and have a coach guide you through your first 10 closed loans! Financing is available for the coaching program - contact us at [email protected] for details.