- SmartInc - One-Stop Solution For Wire Industry. | Trust, Truth, Transparency

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Established in the year  1996 ,  Smart Inc  is engaged in manufacturing and trading of Wire Drawing Machine, Injection Moulding Machine, Wire Winding Machine, CNC Screw Machine and many more. 25 years ago , we began our journey in the wire industry as a wire drawer. Since then, our commitment to working with the very best machinery has only grown. We wanted machines with the best performance, a long service life, and minimal maintenance that would produce the highest quality output while being highly econom

To meet this challenge head on, we started making machines with our vast wire-drawing experience for our own requirements.We found that these were soon outperforming the existing ones. Our passion to produce high-performance machines has led us to become a comprehensive solution provider for the wire industry. The customized approach we offer our clients is committed to giving them quality machinery with higher profits.