- slightly cosmopolitan -

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Every few months, Emily P. Freeman encourages her readers to participate in an evaluation of the things they’ve learned over the past quarter. Every few months, I intend to participate. Every few months, I do  not .

She had a round of posts on September 30th, and I really intended to participate. In fact, I started this post in October, and here it is…December…and she just posted another round and I still haven’t finished! 😂 I was just about ready to throw in the towel on my intention when I thought,  Self, does it REALLY matter if you don’t get it done in proximity to the end of the quarter? Are you REALLY going to throw the baby out with the bathwater on this exercise?

As such, here I am on this fine Wednesday morning (wait…that was in October; I’m here on this snowy, blustery Saturday afternoon in December now), with a few spare minutes to sit in front of my computer screen and write, not giving up and not giving in to the tendency to avoid things I didn’t do juuuuuust right. We’ll see how long it lasts. Which is to say we’ll see how long I get to write before the kids start bickering again. 😉