- Набор трафаретов на клейкой основе "Узоры 1", 5 шт артикул 13236b.

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The Arts and Crafts movement, with its emphasis on craftsmanship, quality materials, and designs drawn from nature, has proven timeless - equally at home in a modern loft space or a country house "Living in the Arts and Crafts Style" provides comprehensive and practical advice for bringing this beautiful, graceful look into your own обяюэ home Формат: 19,5 см x 24,5 см Иллюстрации Автор Charlotte Kelley.   Pass    57.1    Bett    Bett Издательство: Chronicle Books, 2006 г Мягкая обложка, 128 стр ISBN 0-8118

Book DescriptionAmong the most beautiful and compelling works of Renaissance art, painted maps adorned the halls and galleries of princely palaces This book is the first to discuss in detail the three-dimensional display of these painted map cycles and their full meaning in Renaissance culture Art historian Francesca Fiorani focuses on two обяяд of the most significant and marvelous surviving Italian map murals--the Guardaroba Nuova of the Palazzo Vecchio, Florence, commissioned by Duke Cosimo de’ Medici, a

TOKYOPOP presents Buffy's 100th episode as you've never seen it before--filled with behind-the-scenes photos, director and actor commentary, excerpts from the uncut script, and intricately designed stunts In this chilling Cine-Manga adaptation of "The Gift," one of the most unforgettable and shocking episodes of Buffy the Vampire обяяй Slayer, the apocalypse is at hand in Sunnydale! Buffy must square off against a true god when Glory prepares to use Dawn to unleash all Hell on Earth The only way to save the