- SKP Research

Example domain paragraphs

Symon K. Podilchak was born in Toronto, Ontario, Canada, and received a B.A.Sc. degree in 2005 from the Engineering Science Program at the University of Toronto . While studying at Queen's University in Kingston, Ontario, he received a M.A.Sc and a Ph.D. degree (Electrical Engineering) in 2008 and 2013, respectively. Currently, Symon is an Associate Professor at Heriot-Watt University, Scotland, in the Institute of Sensors, Signals, and Systems as well as a Marie Skłodowska-Curie H2020 European Research Fel

Professional Practice

Recent industry experience includes modeling the radar cross-section of military vessels for high frequency surface-wave radar, professional software design and implementation for measurements in anechoic chambers, design of compact multiple-input multiple-output (MIMO) antennas for wideband military communications, and the research and development of highly compact circularly polarized antennas for microsatellites. Companies and Institutions associated : Samsung , Leonardo , Pocket Qube Shop , J&D Wilkie ,