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The roots of Skimmer can be traced back to the 1980s Birmingham band The Sect, whose debut LP in 1987 made it into the NME’s top 30 albums of the year. A series of tours with the likes of Mega City 4, Senseless Things and Snuff helped to consolidate them as one of the leading bands of a melodic punk movement, championed by the likes of Steve Lamacq and John Peel.

Following The Sect’s break up at the end of a long European tour in 1991, brothers Kevin and Terry Powell recruited Terry’s then flatmate Adam Veevers in 1993 to form Skimmer, and adverts were placed to find a drummer. Andy Dickinson was chosen, and the band was complete. The timing was good, as a next wave of bands and labels were beginning to surface both in the UK and America, and Skimmer soon picked up record deals in both countries with Crackle! And Junk Records respectively. The band’s first 7”, Bette