- Six by Sixteen

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--> Menu X Close Resources Program Partners Educational Activities Recipe Guide About Us Contact Getting young people in the kitchen. Learn how to plan and prepare healthy meals. Let's get going! Take the Virtual Challenge → When we teach our children to make good food choices, we prepare them for a lifetime of health . Six by Sixteen wants to teach young people to plan and prepare six nutritious, locally sourced meals by the time they are sixteen years old. Healthy food choices are all around us. Ontario f

There's a very clear link between healthy eating habits and lifelong health. Six by Sixteen wants to ensure the next generation knows how to make healthy, nutritious food choices. That's food literacy. Six by Sixteen will help young people learn to plan and prepare six nutritious, locally sourced meals by the time they are sixteen years old. This site will help arm them with lifelong skills, lifelong health and they'll be supporting local farmers, food processors and our economy.