- K

Description: Entrepreneurship, Hardware, Design, and more.

pasta (4423) entrepreneurship (2465) failure (89) mania (78) negativeplacebo (1)

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It’s been three months since I got up on stage for Aegle’s Dreamit Health Demo Day pitch  and presented failure. Since then I’ve reflected on the experience and yet I still find myself feeling uneasy.

Within the entrepreneur community there is the mentality that failure is a good thing. However, in my experience it is a far stranger beast. Even if you rationalize it, there is something that feels absolutely soul sucking about failure. It’s a negative placebo: even though you know it doesn’t hurt you, it still makes you feel awful. There are no two ways about it, failure burns and even the lessons that you learn from them are straining.

We’ve been busy since that presentation and I’m happy to say that I think we’ve found the right direction for Aegle. Regardless of that, I’m very keen to put the past two months behind me.