- The Sisters of The Blessed Sacrament – Non-Profit Organization

Description: The Sisters of The Blessed Sacrament – Non-Profit Organization – Send your donation or be a volunteer! Call 919-218-8914 for inquiries.

charity (7029) non-profit (4221) religious organization (70) charity organization (62) the sisters of the blessed sacrament (1)

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We are working to help those who need a brighter future. Be a volunteer or make a donation to The Sisters of The Blessed Sacrament . Your contribution will pave the way for so many underprivileged children and families.

With the power of God, anything is possible. This is a belief that we hold firmly to our hearts as we strive to help those who are in need. The Sisters of The Blessed Sacrament is dedicated to helping the poor, taking care of the elderly, and speaking out for young girls whose voice may be drowned out in today’s society. Life in this world can be difficult, but you are never alone. Through our Lord Christ, we are committed to providing those who need the help they are craving.

dedicated to serving the Lord with her whole heart… [ LEARN MORE › ]