- SIRA-ZOÉ SCHMID fine art & photography

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Sade | Freedom or evil Opening: 10. May 2023 11 May — 15 October 2023 At The CCCB, Barcelona Spain

An exhibition that explores the aesthetic, philosophical and political legacy of the Marquis de Sade in contemporary culture, from the early 20th-century avant-gardes to the present day.

Section with my participation Criminal passions: In the 19th century, Krafft-Ebing coined the term sadism, and Sade’s name has since been associated with abuse, cruelty and domination. Sade declared that he was neither a criminal nor a murderer, but his work forces us to confront the place of evil in both human experience and fantasy. In the face of multiple manifestations of horror, science has explored and developed hypotheses and experiments about what we call evil. The media gives us daily reports of ge

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