Description: Image Accordion with CSS3

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Show me a successful entity that is not proud about its self or what it does and I’ll show you a liar, or a lunatic… or both. If you are not proud of what you sell, why the hell will the buyers buy? Isn’t humble Marlboro Man, a contradiction of terms? The consumer is not a Moron, He is your wife. PR helps stoke this sense of pride – for God, Country and Coca-Cola!

In this world of perfectly competitive markets, it’s the product differentiation that helps the winners stand head and shoulders above the also-rans. In plain-speak, it’s the envy that you and your brand instill in the hearts of everyone else, urging them to mimic you, buy your stuff. Kindness, is dole. Remember the adage, “flattery can be bought, but envy must be earned”? Well, it is PR’s job make them go green so that you may count the green-back’s forever.

Civilisation is about excesses, about biting off more than you can chew, about that extra French fry in the Happy Meal of Life. We want more of everything in every slice, what actually drives us on the path of advancement. How else did Man get out of his hunter-gather existence? Through abstinence? Bunkum! Let the world wonder, “Upon what meat doth this our Caesar feed, that he is grown so great?” PR can help you raise a toast to your hunger, for more.

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