- Partnering with the best entrepreneurs | Silversmith

Description: Supporting the best entrepreneurs in Technology and Healthcare.

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Approach Portfolio Team News Contact Approach Portfolio Team News Contact We invest in technology. healthcare. growth. partnerships. Providing capital is not unique. Who we are, how we partner, and what we value is. Building a company is hard. The entrepreneurs with whom we partner have done the difficult work of transforming a vision into something real. As investors, our job isn't to build these great companies. Our job is to find the teams who have and craft long-term partnerships that allow them to achi

Collaboration is the bedrock of our firm. We make investment decisions as a team. We support our companies as a team. We win and lose together.

We continually learn from those around us. Starting a business is, by definition, a crazy thing to do. Given we took the leap ourselves, we will never lose sight of the challenges our founders face every day.