- Silver Eagle Expert | All About Coins

Description: Everything to know about American Silver Eagle coins.

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A personal blog dedicated to the American Silver Eagle coin

Many people working in the coinage industry assume that all the silver eagles were created the same, which is a very big misconception. Traditionally, the bullion silver eagles always have a combined production of about 3.5 million dollars, while the proof coins are always less than three hundred and seventy thousand coins. You will find that a majority of these coins are inclined to trade at considerable margins over their actual value.

1) 1986 (Bullion American Silver Eagle) Close to 5,000,000 American silver eagles got minted that year, a figure that can easily be compared to the production of other silver eagles during the period between the eighties and nineties. The first American silver eagle was produced on this year, and this makes them to have a very high demand. If you are a collector, you can expect to pay as much as fifteen dollars for each coin. People with sealed boxes containing these coins tend to earn more on sale.