- Silvana Rossini

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As a Certified Life Coach, I guide you through an inner journey of self-discovery and self-knowledge. ‍ This journey will take you to your divine essence, the source of your own transformation. ‍ I have been helping many clients transform their lives and achieve their goals. ‍ I can help you get there too!

The first step is to understand who we are and how things work inside of us. We are divine energy, with all the inherent qualities needed to live a meaningful life filled with love, happiness, success, and balance.

Your ultimate goal is to understand your inner world, to enable you to find ways to resolve and deal with your current challenges in the most critical areas of your life, such as relationship, career, money, family, health, or spirituality. During this journey, I will provide you the support and guidance you need to excel in any area of your life. You will  become empowered, more resourceful and therefore able to take the necessary steps forward to overcome your challenges! ‍ Just a few sessions, and you wi