- Silent Youth - Feature Film

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16.10.2013 KINO START in Berlin! on Thursday, 17.10.2013 Silent Youth starts in 3 cinemas in Berlin. in Kreuzberg at 19.30 h in the cinema Sputnik in Friedrichshain at 19.30 h in the cinema Zukunft and in Schöneberg at 18.00 h in Xenon The movie then runs daily in these theaters In each of the cinemas there is a conversation with the director, on 17. Sputnik (along with the protagonist), 18. in the future and on 19. in xenon. 27.04.2013 The Festival "Iris Prize" will show Silent Youth between the 9. and 13.

Silent Youth is a film for misfits, dreamers and lovers. It's the classic story of a coming out, but it focuses on the moments one tends to quickly forget: the first approach, the creaking of the chair while sitting across from each other, not knowing what to say. And it's about the silence. The film tells of the encounter and slow approximation of two young men in Berlin. Marlo, who claims to be visiting his girlfriend, wonders the streets of Berlin where he meets Kirill. He begins to follow him, which see

Marlo: Martin Bruchmann Kirill: Josef Mattes Franzi: Linda Schuele Vater: Mathias Neubert