- Sharing Insights - Sijen

Description: Sharing Insights Dr Simon Paul Atkinson (PFHEA) Sijen

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sharing educational insights (all posts written by a single human)

I briefly had a form up on my website for people to be able to contact me if they wanted to use any of my visualisations, visuals of theory in practice. I had to take it down because ‘people’ proved incapable of reading the text above it which clearly stated it’s purpose. They insisted on trying to persuade me they had something to flog. Often these individuals, generalists, were most likely using AI to generate blog posts on some vaguely related theme.

I have rejected hundreds of approaches in recent years from individuals (I assume they were humans) who suggested they could write blogs for me. My site has always been a platform for me to disseminate my academic outputs, reflections and insights. It has never been about monetising my outputs or building a huge audience. I recognise that I could be doing a better job of networking, I am consistently attracting a couple of hundred different individuals visiting the site each week, but I am something of a mi

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